Tuesday, January 29, 2008

pillowhead: sachet favors

{customized + hand-embroidered coffee sachets (set of 2)}

cracked out on too many late-night seating chart wrangles?
struggling to stay awake writing one more thank-you? (just... one... more...)

this find courtesy of angel at lifeseventful, who thinks these would make brilliant favors. what a great idea! these are not skivvy-sachets -- for those, pillowhead makes lavender -- they're desktop, good morning, wake-up sachets, made from repurposed canvas and felt, and (!!) hand-embroidered with a lovely sans-serif initial/number/symbol and color of your choosing. they'd also be a kick for a bridesmaid brunch. good morning minions
best girlfriends!

thanks so much for the suggestion!
more embroidered treats at pillowhead.etsy.com
ideas - moleskine cahier with hand-embroidered coverrest - hand embroidered eye pillow or sleep mask
emoticon magnets, set of 6 - hand embroidered and totally geekylavender sachets (set of 2) - customized and HAND-embroidered


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