Friday, July 18, 2008

croquet party! sampler

Shredded Rose Cloche
{ shredded rose cloche by hatdiva }

am headed out to a croquet lawn party and my ride and friends are staring at me ready to go. more soon!

[{updated 7.21} don't you hate it when you're ready to go, but everyone else isn't, then you start doing something productive, and right in the middle they're all magically ready and you're suddenly the problem? and they stare at you and sigh because it's so typically *you* to be late? but if they'd only been ready on time you would have looked like the punctuality champion? that was my friday. forgive the vestigial post above. granted usually i'm *not* ready and am the problem anyway...]

where was i? croquet. croquet makes me think of flamingos and alice in wonderland. also a very rarified form of outdoor entertainment, which friday's function didn't really resemble. more of a sweaty free-for-all with mallets. let's hope that doesn't describe anyone's wedding.

still fun! check out the bubble blower necklaces --
Wickets and MalletsBottoms Up - Silverplated Goblet Spoon Wind Chime
Croquet Dress MultiNeonDo YOU Croquet Alice and the Pink Flamingo
Alice In Wonderland glass pearl altered art charm bracelet ooak zne by Summerpoet studiosFlamingo Garden Stake
Garden PARTYWomen Handmade Bucket / Cloche Hat - Burgundy Toille
GLASS  TIKI TORCH, BIRD FEEDER or GARDEN ARTgarden party earrings in mint and pink
Garden Party EarringsHydrangea Blossom Wedding Invitation
hummingbird invitationbubble blower bottle
{each photo links to its shop}


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