{ custom maple leaf silhouette portrait }
how awesome is this? seriously. i saw jennyleefowler's custom birch silhouette in an etsy finds email and clicked on it out of idle curiosity (probably because i loved *this* profile portrait etsy find from turnyourhead so much) -- and these are just so, so delicate and beautiful.
before, i admit i thought silhouettes and portraiture of this kind a bit trendy, cloying, self-involved. maybe even precious. then i saw these little pieces of art -- materials are wonderful, but even more amazing is that she doesn't trace, photoshop, or use shadows -- this woman cuts these out freehand -- with, in her words, "observation and terribly sharp little scissors." brilliant.
and what does this have to do with weddings, you ask? could be a gift portrait for your friends, or the image scanned for a save the date. or... ideas?
more at jennyleefowler.etsy.com and jennyleefowler.blogspot.com
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