Monday, February 22, 2010

OUT 787--Evocative Studios & Salazar Photographics presentCELEBRITY SHOOT at SUGARS LOUNGE 2/20

Photos By Ma'atology

Soon after leaving the St. Louis House of Comedy, we headed east to Sugars Lounge on Washington Avenue to check out model/MMA fighter's monthly Celebrity Model Shoot contest. One of the hype dancers at the event showing his dexterity. (RIGHT). On the mp3s was DJ Tommy T. (LEFT)

Some of the Celebrity Shoot models and assistants were getting their test shots together all nite.

There's event sponsor and promoter Ashley Salazar (middle) and some of the assistants who were part of the contest.

The crowd trickling in.

The bartendees.

The ice sculpture with the nite's event's title on it.

A mix of folk.

A back shot of the DJ booth P.O.V.

These ladies were asking the bouncer when they could enter the other section of the club from the prison bar door. LOL.

These contestants were gettin up close and personal for the camera.

Event host Hosea Collazo gettin it hyped.

The crowd on the dance club side.

Two members of the new Committee Promotions crew Randle Smith and Demetrius Easley were in the house.

A colorful dancerie!

Assistants and models all converging before the show (the one of the right is all up in the OUTCAM).

Hosting the event was Playboy TV Model Claudia Gestro

Gestro in fashion mode!

Freeze Frame Chic. Gestro and Slazar pose lovely for the OUTCAM

NOTE: We didnt get who won this month's contest (cuz the event started around one oclock), but the contestants were Christina Brown, Lona Marie, Chrisy Weilk, Annabelle Hedtkamp, Ashley Holloman and Danielle Robinson. We also learned that rapper Chingy passed through there as well taking pics with the models.


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