She was workin the pump out of her six inch STYLETTOS!

YOURS TRULY got a pic in with the singer. Thanks Arrika!

St. Louis Post Dispatch's Kevin Johnson poses up with Fantasia.

Fantasia with Majic exec and personality Arrika Parr who coordinated the event.

Fantasia takes a pic with Majic 104.9 personality Tony Scott's children.

They had Fantasia to sign their American Idol shirts.

A close up of Fantasia signing the shirt.

Tasia with some of her fans who won the contest from the station to meet the entertainer.

The singer was very down to earth and hospitable to the point where she asked who could cook her a good meal. lol
NOTE: Fantasia was extremely cool at the Meet and Greet (and her body is ON POINT--the dunka dunk was STACKED) She was very apologetic that she couldnt do her concert which was going to be held that nite at Ozzies Bar but she said that her daughter was sick and she was calling for her.
Some of the impromptu convo topics the intimate crowd asked Fantasia that she talked about during the first half of the event were:
On doing Broadway again she said that she would do it if the right script comes along, but she said she was n loner doing "The Color Purple" anymore. She said that the experience was great for her but it took a told of her especially during the first leg of it. She said that she couldnt shake off the character , Celie, and got depressed. As a result, she consulted with the original actress of the show, Lachanze to ask how she could separate the character after the curtain fell. She said she was able to cut the ties of the character during the second leg of the show.
On her sound and style, she said that she is a soul singer and she can't help but to be that. She said that she has the song, "Im Here" from "The Color Purple" on her upcoming CD, "Back to Me" which will be released August 24.
She was quoted as saying, "It's been three years yawl, I been gone too long."
On her surgery on her throat to remove polyps she said that was her first time having surgery and she was afraid that she would lose her voice but miraculously she didnt.
On gossip sites, she said that she wished that people can just focus on her music than who she sleeps with . She said, "You never saw anyone caring who Earth, Wind and Fire slept with."
Then, she was whisked away by her assistants to the radio booth to do the Tony Scott Show with Scott and Tammie Holland where they talked about her upcoming CD "Back to Me," and other topics such as the suggestive cam pics that were leaked to the Internet (Apparently someone she dated leaked them after they split. On that she said that she learned from that experience, talked with her mom about the situation and moved on). Meanwhile, the meet and greeters were given TV clearance forms to sign by her cam crew because VH1 was also there to film footage for the upcoming season of her reality show,"Fantasia For Real."
KMJM exec and personlaity Arrika Parr had got a mic to go throughout the room to get people to give their comments about the event to be later used on air and tried to get people to sing some of Fantasia's songs (which failed horribly. LOL) .
When Fantasia returned the crowd tried singing Fantasia's new song, "Bittersweet," to Parr's request, even her song, "When I See You." (she even told one guy that he could sing) After the failed attempts to get lyrics correct, she took more pics, signed more autographs and talked more to the crowd. She kept asking where was the fried chicken that was promised to her which had the crowd laughing.
Some of the fans said that they would cook for her.
On her daughter being sick she said, "You know Im a mother first so when grandma cant take care of her and she asking for me, I gotta go home."
On her appearance on the Bobby Jones Gospel Show she said that she got so into it and in the spirit that they had to take her backstage to try and get her out of the spirit. LOL
Before she left she said that she will return to St. Louis to perform.
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