I had the best experience with El Debage last night. The line to see El Debarge was down the street. You could bearly find a place to park . A great sign of love to him the club was packed. We had snow in the Lou and this is a work day . So people came after getting off work. That’s mad love.
The concert was wonderful. The crowd loved him young and old was singing and dancing. Guys were romancing ther ladies on the dance floor. It was standing room only so a large crowd. 200+ . He thanked St. Louis for showing him love and he will be back. (He sang) “Time will Reveal,” “ 2nd chance” and “Rhythm of the Night” were some of the songs he sang.. He was on time . And he looked fine in his black suit and tie with white shirt .
I was the first guest to greet him when he came in the door. I shook his hand and said “Look up El.” So I took a pic of him. I said “Welcome El To St.Louis And i rep you in St. Louis.” I took about 12 pics with El and i was with him when (photograoher) Erica (Brooks) interviewed him so I’m in the footage . Erica and Carlston (Edwards) took pics of us. El is so down to earth . El put his arm around me like he knew me for years . His fans need to know El is down to earth and very humble. He told (me)his favorite foods so when he return i could cook him dinner. And he was (like) Prince last night the crowd went lets go crazy likes get nuts!
the line was down the street you bearly could find parking a great sign of love to him the club was packed
the line was down the street you bearly could find parking a great sign of love to him thWomen were screaming trying to get to him. (He) could barely get to the bathroom they were following him jumpin up and down and tears.. The ladies weer screaming they trying to get to him or trying to get his attention. He bearly could go to the rest room . They were following him every move he made. .
I feel El is family and that he feels at home when he is in St. Louis.
Natasha Atkins who also attended the event said El’ voice was a bit pitchy at first, but got it together later in the 30 minute concert, that started a half hour late. She said she was in the line for the Meet and Greet and as soon as it was her turn to meet El, the bodyguard shouted,”All right, that’s; it. No more!.”
BELOW is a brief video she had taken during the concert of El on stage.
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