RECAP: We got there about 1ish to take a few snaps. Spotted were Mo Spoon of MPAC, Keith Griffin of Delux (or so we heard Dano spit out their names that they were there. LOL), promoter Keith Harris, model Carmen Currie (who say she is back in the STL) , promoter Triky Haley, promoter Calvin Nelson, and I AM's Walt Johnson (who was one of the main sponsors of the event). We didnt see invited guests former Rams player Corey Chavous or entertainment manager Eric Rhone were there but they may have been cuz we got there hella late.
ON JAN 17,
There were four after parties going simultaneously for Lossecannon's State of Emergency concert that took place at The Chaifetz Arena with performers Rick Ross, Wocka Flocka, Trina, Lloyd and opener Travis Porter.

At The Label, Mocha Latte (PICTURED), who also promoted, hosted Lloyd's after party which was also his bday celebration. Pictured with Latte is Hot 104.1 program director Mickey J. This party also was promoted by SYGU and Close To Famous.

Lloyd got his nerd look on up in VIP posing with a fan.

Lloyd and his crew gettin it poppin.

We hear the majority of the concert crowd attended Rick Ross' afterparty at Club Amnesia (wonder if he was wearin any Sean John. LOL). There is Ross walking up to VIP along with his bodyguard and crew. We can just imagine what time he actually got there but it was likely it was after midnight. This party was promoted by Loose cannon, Liquid Assets and Chase and Aye Verb

Rap producer Loudie (middle) and promoter Big Terrence (right) were there.

Derrty ENT's Brick House (aka Shaki) and Murphy Lee, who performed at the concert, also were there.

On the sounds was Derrty DJ SIr Thurl

The Man of the Hour, LoosecannonSlim )in backwards cap) walking up in the club

A long shot of club Amnesia from the VIP area. v
RECAP: We didnt attend either of these spots, and we didnt hear of any mishaps. Other after parties that took place were Trina at The Loft (promoted by 104,.1, and 3 Way Promotions) and Travis Porter at The Venue (promoted by Imperial Events ) . We didnt get any reports yet as to how well the attendance were on these spots nor if Wacka Flocka attended any of the parties (We do know at least that he was not at the Label).
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