{ book love photography print by heatherkingdesigns }
it has been a while, all. first, i've been spending all my free time working on an amazing project for our friend's dad. he's in his early 80s and has written his wife a daily poem for many years, leaving little notes for her as he left the house early in the morning. some are funny, some sad, most rhyme, and almost all are unabashed love poems.
so we're making and printing a book with more than 200 of them, with his photography, and it's just so cool. complicated, but almost done.
his epigram is a quote from obama's speech in tucson, AZ:
"Did we tell a spouse just how desperately we loved them, not just once in a while, but every single day?"it's so moving to meet someone who actually does this, who can answer a joyous, buoyant YES, i tell her. i write it in a new way, every day.
makes you think: what gesture, what small thing could we do so that when we hit our 80s we still make out and hold hands and make poetry books for our anniversary?
also: making a book is not (too) hard! i hope to write up a post of what i've learned for anyone wanting to make an album or book of their wedding, honeymoon, love stories. more soon.
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