Wednesday, May 11, 2011

OUT 999--ILLI MO arts and ent BITZ -ADDS and UPDATES(MAY 12-18)




We are one post away from 1,000 posts! Details for the GRAND PARTY to celebrate is coming very soon!
SNAP HONEY the stageplay will return to the stage in June(June 10 and 11) at Urban Eats, 3301 Meremac. To see the teaser go to YOUTUBE and type in SNAP HONEY

The annual Mr. Couture is scheduled for June 18 at thr Carlton Hotel in New York City.


First Lady Michelle Obama's poetry and prose event Wednesday evening at the White House was intended to "showcase the impact of poetry on American culture." The organizers got more than they bargained for, however, when one invited guest, Chicago native and Grammy Award winning hip-hop artist Lonnie Rashid Lynn Jr., aka Common, came under fire this week from conservatives, including Sarah Palin and Karl Rove, for lyrics alluding to violent acts against police and former President George W. Bush.

The controversy was fanned by the conservative website The Daily Caller, which published some of his lyrics, and by Fox News, which used the phrase "vile rapper" in characterizing the performer.The first lady's program included an afternoon workshop for students before an evening showcase advertised as featuring poets and performers Elizabeth Alexander, Billy Collins, Rita Dove, Kenneth Goldsmith, Alison Knowles, Aimee Mann, Jill Scott, Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers, as well as Common.

The White House on Wednesday defended the invitation sent by first lady Michelle Obama to rapper and actor Common to attend a poetry event amid backlash over some of his lyrics that critics say promote violence.

Common is not considered a gangsta rapper, but some of his songs and poems feature violent imagery.

In one poem, he called for the metaphorical burning of President George W. Bush -- a "burning Bush." And in a song, he praised convicted cop-killer and former Black Panther Assata Shakur.

"While the president doesn't support the kind of lyrics that have been raised here, we do think some of the reports distort what Mr. Lynn stands for more broadly in order to stoke controversy," White House spokesman Jay Carney said Wednesday.

"He is within the genre of hip hop and rap in what's known as a conscious rapper," he said, adding that President Obama appreciates the way Common tries to get children to focus on poetry, "as opposed to some of the negative influences of life on the street."

Though Fox News has joined forces with the New Hampshire Journal, the Daily Caller and even Sarah Palin to speak out against having Common appear for the poetry event, they were singing a different tune 7 months ago when they interviewed him. They referred to him as a “rap legend,” and even Fox News reporter Jason Robinson asked Common during that interview:

Fox News: “Your music is very positive. And you’re known as the conscious rapper. How important is that to you, and how important do you think that is to our kids?”

Common: “[It's a] significant role. I just try to show who we are as well-rounded people and I’m happy to be known as the conscious artist.”

People familiar with Common’s music have found the conservatives claims to be outrageous with Jason Linkins from The Huffington Post saying:

[Common is] not what I consider to be a ‘gangsta rapper’ or particularly prone to any of hip-hop’s legendary excesses. In fact, it was these excesses – ‘poppin glocks servin rocks and hittin switches’ — that Common famously criticized in perhaps his most famous song, ‘I Used To Love H.E.R.

Common shrugged off the criticism.

"Politics is politics and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I respect that," he said in a tweet. "The one thing that shouldn't be questioned is my support for the police officers and troops that protect us every day."

First The Donald now this nonsense. Is it us or are the Tea Partiers are trying to Willie Horton Common? They have nuthin else to do. We are sure Common didnt do anything to embarrass or spark any controversy while he performed but here again is another case of right winged Republicans tryin to wag the dog sparking fear for majority Americans not to revote for Obama. And again, this will blow away and make Palin and other Tea Party supporters look stupid. And we are sure Common's CDs will sell like crazy from it.

Dissatisfied by the first ratings report cards for OWN, Oprah Winfrey and her business partner, Discovery Communications, said Friday that they had dismissed the four-month-old channel's chief executive, Christina Norman.

Peter Liguori, the chief operating officer for Discovery Communications, will take over OWN through at least the end of the year. His assignment is formidable: to lure more viewers to a channel that most people cannot easily find on their cable systems and to manage the introduction for its two most-anticipated programs, one featuring Winfrey and one featuring Rosie O'Donnell.

Liguori indicated in an interview that he would try to amp up the entertainment value of OWN's programs without losing sight of Winfrey's live-your-best-life principles.

Zaslav acknowledged to investors last week that the channel had had a "slower start" than expected. And Winfrey said in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, published Friday, that "it's not where I want it to be."

In part that is because Winfrey herself has not been a steady presence on the channel, which Norman noted time and time again in past interviews. Winfrey is busy winding down her syndicated talk show, "The Oprah Winfrey Show," which will end May 25, and only after that point - and a vacation - will she turn her full attention to OWN.

The highest-rated shows on OWN have been "Ask Oprah's All Stars," with advice from people like Dr. Mehmet Oz, and "Season 25: Oprah Behind the Scenes." In its first four months, OWN attracted 148,000 viewers at any given time, according to the Nielsen Co., only 7,000 more than Discovery Health did in the same time period last year. In the prime-time hours, OWN averaged 297,000 viewers, 44,000 more than Discovery Health

Folk are makin a funk about her firing a black woman and hired a white man. We say Oprah was looking out for her"green" and we can't fault her for that.

Chicago Bulls are up 3-2 against the Atlanta Hawks in the Eastern Conference seminal series. The Bulls had a 95-83 over the Hawks on Tuesday night at the United Center in Chicago. The Bulls need one more game to advance to the finals. Game 6 will be played in Atlanta at the Phillips Arena. If Game 7 is needed then the game will return to the United Center.

UPDATE: The Bulls won Game 6 and won the Eastern conference

There was some interesting events that happened this week in former Illinois Governor/reality show star Rod Blagojevich's trial. One is his comments from a January 2009 appearance on Rachel Maddow's program.

According to the Chicago Tribune's Bob Secter and Jeff Coen, federal prosecutors are hoping to use an excerpt of an interview in Blago's retrial:

The snippet in question is from January 2009 during one of the former governor’s early media blitzes. He appeared on The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC that month and made a statement that prosecutors in a new court filing say is "highly probative in rebutting the defendant's anticipated defenses concerning his state of mind at the time of the charged offenses."

A little more than six minutes into the show, Maddow asked Blagojevich whether it would be wrong or criminal to trade an appointment to the U.S. Senate for something of value for him. That is, of course, the marquee charge in the case.

"Oh, absolutely," Blagojevich answered, according to a transcript in the filing.

Maddow went on to ask if Blagojevich did that, and he answered "absolutely not."

Prosecutors contend that is an important distinction because Blagojevich attorneys at his first trial argued that the former governor didn't know he was doing anything criminal regarding the Senate appointment because none of his attorneys advised him so at the time.

As far as testimonies, prosecutors played one of the more explosive rants captured on secretly made phone calls of the former governor. It was Nov. 10, 2008, and Blagojevich and his wife, Patti, were talking to his political advisers about their financial frustrations and how the then-governor felt trapped politically. The election of Barack Obama to the presidency limited Blagojevich’s options, Blagojevich said on the call.He said he had to find a way to make some money.

Blagojevich allegedly wasn’t happy with what he was being offered in exchange for appointing someone Obama wanted to Obama’s old seat in the U.S. Senate. Blagojevich thought the answer was that the president-elect was offering zero in return.

“I feel like I'm (expletive) my children,” he said. “That's what I feel like. The whole world's passing me by, I'm stuck in this (expletive) gridlock for two more (expletive) years, okay, and nasty (expletive) (expletive) press and everything, you know, and every (expletive) out there. We know few friends.”

The day’s final witness was IRS agent Shari Schindler, who, as she did at the former governor’s first trial last year, laid out for jurors how the Blagojeviches’ financial situation was worsening between 2002 and 2008. The family expenses were growing, she said, while its income was dropping.

The strongest reaction to Monday's developments at the Rod Blagovich trial came from the defendant's wife.

Patti Blagojevich stopped and spoke with reporters after testimony wrapped up Tuesday, and reacted strongly to the day's proceedings.

"After sitting in that courtroom all day, I almost wanted to cry. I can't believe what I saw. A deliberate attempt to hide the truth," the former governor's wife said.

Blagojevich, 54, faces 20 charges at the retrial, all of them underpinned by FBI wiretap evidence. He denies wrongdoing. Blagojevich's initial trial ended last year with jurors deadlocked on all but one charge, lying to the FBI.

Experts say the trial may last no more than 5 weeks and that he is facing at least 5 years in a 'soft core” prison. He already faces a year for perjury.

The View's Sherri Shepherd made newz recently in regards to her questioning the “color scheme” of the Prince William and Kate Middleton wedding. On the show she asked, 'Where are the black people?'

Shepherd said she had earlier searched through the footage of guests at Westminster Abbey.

“Audrey Jones our producer was looking for the black people in the wedding and we found our Rosa Parks moment, because we were like 'where are the black people'?' she said.

'It was like where's Waldo, where are the black people?' she added.

'We found one little black child in the choir but where's the black people at this wedding?' she repeated.

'Wait a minute the Calvary guy, from New York,' said Goldie Hawn, who was a guest host for the day.

Well the guests, there they are,' said Sherri, pointing to an area in the Abbey reserved for foreign royals, Governor generals and high-level diplomats.

'They are segregated but they are at the front so we have our Rosa Parks moment,' she added 'I don't know why they put all the black people over here but they are at the front of the wedding so I ain't complaining, they got in the front,' added Sherri.

The women also mocked the Queen and the dresses of princesses.

Well...she does have a point. But then again, she wasn't taken seriously because she's a comedian but we all know what's really up with the color. Ain't nuthin changed but the year.

Chitown reared rap superstar Kanye West is set to perform a set later in the week at the Cannes Film Festival. Lady Gaga is also scheduled to perform. Meanwhile, Kanye dropped his headlining performance from Coachella as a mixtape, available for download here. And in unrelated Ye newz, according to a he and his ex-girlfriend AMBER ROSE went out last Wednesday. And the two had the meeting set up very CLOAK and DAGGER. According to our insider the couple came SEPARATELY and met up at a PRIVATE ROOM inside Phillipe Chow's in Los Angeles.

What happened . . .?? No one knows. They asked to have dinner served to them and then locked the room so NO ONE KNEW what was going on behind the closed doors.

Well . . . maybe they were just TALKING. .. .horizontally LOL!!! This is silly. Why dont Ye, Amber and her new boo Wiz Khalifa just sleep together, Goodness!!!


St Louis born poet/educator and U.S. Medal of Freedom winner Maya Angelou is one of many celebrities who are featured in former CBS anchor, Katie Couric's new book “The Best Advice I Ever Got: Lessons From Extraordinary Lives.” Couric’s book also comments from Michael J. Fox, Mo’Nique, Larry King, Alicia Keys, Ellen DeGeneres, Morgan Freeman, Bill Cosby and Tavis Smiley, just to name a few

Kennett, Mo native andGrammy Award winning singer/musician Sheryl Crow is set to record an old styled country album. She's currently working on material with country super Brad Pailsey and is looking at early next year for its release. The inspiration stemmed from her recent performance of “Coal Miner’s Daughter” with Miranda Lambert and Loretta Lynn during the Country Music Awards, and fans responded, requesting the video and buying the single on iTunes.

In unrelated Crow newz, the near 50 year old singer is currently dating her 42-year-old producer and tour band member Doyle Bramhall who co-produced her last album, "100 Miles from Memphis."

"They've known each other for a really long time but it recently only turned romantic recently," a source tells People magazine. "She's really happy. He's a really great guy."

"We have a great foundation, having known each other for15 years," she said, adding, "I've been in the situation where I've been involved with people and their kids, and if the relationship doesn't work out, it's heartbreak."

Crow previously dated actor Owen Wilson and was engaged to Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong.

Nearly one year after his death, Zion, Ill. Native Gary Coleman is still not resting in peace.Former manager Vic Perillo reveals that burial plans for the former child star, who suffered a fatal head injury during a fall in his Utah home last year, are still on hold because of a legal battle between Coleman's parents and estranged wife.

In an essay obtained by
WENN, Perillo urges news networks to show more respect to the late actor by paying tribute with positive on-air coverage.

"This was not the proper and dignified manner to show respect for the magnificent talent the world TV and film audience knew in Gary Coleman. This was not the sendoff he deserved," Perillo writes.

"Unfortunately, we learn of the great works and noble deeds of a person upon their death and at their memorial," he adds. "Gary's deeds and contributions to the entertainment industry and other endeavors were overshadowed by the desire of the media to stay focused on the misfortunes of his life and all the negatives.

Coleman was 42 when he died May 28 at a
Provo hospital. Former wife Shannon Price, whom Coleman divorced in 2008 but continued to live with, made the decision to remove him from life-support.

He was unceremoniously cremated on June 17, and his ashes and property have since been stored until the courts finalize who the executor of his estate is.

Coming up on the first anniversary of Coleman's death, Perillo says he has contacted three major TV networks and asked them to honor the former child star's life onscreen, his work as a spokesman with the
National Kidney Foundation and the many charitable endeavors he was involved with.


The dramedy “ Men of a Certain Age”, that stars producer Ray Ramano, Emmy Award winning Chicago native Andre Braugher (who copped an Emmy nod for the show) and STL native and Emmy nominated Scott Bakula, is returning on June 1st. TNT split the second season of the series into two parts. The first six episodes finished in January.The first half of season two attracted a 0.5 rating in the all-important 18-49 demographic and an average of 2.16 million viewers each week. That’s a significant drop from season one which registered a 1.0 in the demo and an average of 3.19 million.Will there be a third season? That will likely have a lot to do with how well the rest of season two performs.


Chicago native actor Terrence Howard has been accused of failing to hand over a portion of royalties to his former manager. From reports,Victoria Frederick filed a lawsuit against Howard in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, claiming he owes her at least $145,000 in unpaid royalties.

Frederick is said to have begun looking after the actor's working interests in the mid-2000s, and she claims Howard agreed to give her 10 per cent of all his earnings while she managed his career, as well as residuals for his roles in the movies she booked - even after she was no longer managing him.

Frederick alleges Howard refused to pay her commissions before and after her services were allegedly terminated last year. She is seeking $137,000 in damages.

In related Terrence newz, he is no longer in the running to star in teh biopic of black country superstar Charley Pride. In his place will be Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. The singer says he has met with 'The Rock' and is very excited to see the project move forward with Mr. Johnson in the lead role. Howard was tied up on other involvements.

VH1’s scripted show Single Ladies might be off to a rocky start. The Queen Latifah-produced series stars Chicago native LisaRaye McCoy and Stacey Dash, and, according to US Weekly, the two divas had a recent upset. During a night taping, sources claim Dash stormed off the set shouting, “No, I ain’t coming back unless that b*tch gets her a** kicked!” Dash’s seething words were directed at co-star LisaRaye.

Interestingly enough, the source also reports that McCoy did nothing to elicit such a response from Dash. The cast and crew couldn’t explain the actress’ outburst. To make matters worse, they were shooting an intimate cocktail scene at the time of the eruption, so Dash was caught “screaming and running around in thousand dollar Louboutins,” says the source.

.Well other sources reported differently. According to a member of the staff, LisaRaye McCoy and co-star Stacy Dash got into a FIST FIGHT. The insider told, "Stacy is crazy, I mean really crazy. She was out of her mind saying very disrespectful things all week."

And LisaRaye was not about to take it. The insider continued, "LisaRaye grabbed her by her hair and flung her around like a rag doll it was funny. Stacey was screaming for help."

But things didn't go further. The snitch told us that security broke things up and the two actresses

The dramedy is VH1’s first shot at a purely scripted series The two-hour “movie” premiere is Monday, May 30th at 9:00 p.m. and will include cameos from Queen Latifah (who will also show up later in the series) Eve, Common, Chili and Lauren London. Hour-long episodes start the following week. We

Well, we know one thing, LisaRaye dont take no ish. We see that in her reality show on TV One.

Two ILLI MO stars of the hit sitcom “Mike N Molly” are starring in two different mediums outside the Tv Show. First, Plainville, Ill. Native Melissa McCarthy (RIGHT)will star in the comedy movieBridesmaids” (which also stars STL natives Jon Hamm and Ellie Kemper)which opens nationwide Friday. Her co-star Dixon, Ill. native and Tony Award winning actress Roni Reed (FAR RIGHT) is currently on stage in Chicago in “The Outgoing Tide” at the Northlight Theatre. The show is her first time on a Chicago stage since her turn in Tracy Letts’ “August: Osage County.” The play runs through June 19. For more info on the play go to

Last week STL native rapper Chingy made an appearance and performed on The Monique Show. This week its been reported . his return to the music biz and reasons for his hiatus.

"When I was gone for the three and a half years, off the scene, people really got to understand that I have a personal life, and in that personal life I lost a lot of close people to me," he told "I lost three of my closest friends, I lost my auntie, I lost my little cousin, I lost my girl cousin, I lost my granddaddy, I lost a couple of friends. People don't see that. They just see that you don't have a song on the radio and you [haven't released] a video. They don't see your real life and the things you go through."

Losing both family and friends drove Chingy into a state of depression, where his career was the last thing on his mind. "I was sick of the whole life," he continued. "I just got sick of it. I was still working on music but I just didn't care about being in the light because I was going through so much."

The rapper has since regained interest in music, and has even mended his relationship with
Ludacris, after cutting ties with his Disturbing the Piece imprint. At the height of his fame, Chingy sold 2 million copies of his 'Jackpot' debut released in 2003.

He is currently prepping the independent release of his fifth album 'No Risk No Reward 13.' touting the project as the “rebirth of Chingy” after he fell back from the music scene over the past few years.

He explained that he’s putting all his cards on the table this time around. “The album is called No Risk, No Reward 13 because if you don’t take those risks, you won’t get where you need to get in life,” he told “And the ’13’ represents rebirth. So for me, this is the rebirth of my presence as an artist, not that I’ve been dead but I’ve been musically out for the last three to four years so it’s the rebirth of Chingy.

The album, releasing via his own record label Full Dekk/Busic Group, will be preceded by the urban single “Paper Man” and pop-aimed “Super Hero.”

Chingy has already shot the video for “Paper Man,” with plans to hit Vegas to lens “Super Hero” in the coming weeks.

No Risk, No Reward 13 is due in the fourth quarter of 2011.


The Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin will perform at The Chicago Theatre May 19.


Comedian/actor Bill Bellamy will perform at the Chicago Improv May 13 and 14


Morton, Ill native actress Marlee Matlin did not get fired in Week 10 of Celebrity Apprentice. She is one of four left for the finals next week. The show can be seen Sundays on NBC and we will see if Wheeling, Ill native singer Haley Reinhart will have make the Top 3 tonite, Thursday on American Idol on Fox TV.

UPDATE: Haley advanced to the Top 3


Kanye West's former No. 1 single with Katy Perry, "E.T" falls to No. 2 on teh Hot 100 after spending five non-consecutive weeks on the top spot. His solo single, "All of the Lights" falls two spots from its peak No. 18 to No. 20. On the Hip Hop/R&B charts the song falls two spots to No. 5. Jerimih falls out of the Top 10 with his single, "Down on Me" feat. 50 Cent falling 3 spots to No, 12. It also falls two spots to No. 15 on the Hip Hop/R&B chart. Lupe Fiasco falls two spots from his peak No. 14 to No. 16 with "The Show Goes On." His single, "Out of My Head" moves up six spots up to No. 38 on the Hip Hop/R&B chart. Eminem is featured on two singles on the Hot 100. First, he moves down two spots to No 21 on Dr Dre's comeback single, "I Need a Doctor" and he is rapping with Royce da 5'9 under the group name Bad Meets Evil debuting at No. 32 with "Fast lane." R Kelly holds for a second week on the Hip Hop/R&B chart with his single, "Love Letter."


St. Louis Cardinals manager Tony La Russa is returning to St. Louis today after his eye dilemma. The Skipper didn't manage the St. Louis Cardinals against the Chicago Cubs in the opener of a three-game series that started Tuesday night at Wrigley Field due to health problems, according to a club source.La Russa, underwent an annual physical Monday traveled to Arizona at the Mayo Treatment for treatment in Ar that included an examination of a viral condition, shingles, that has plagued him for more than four weeks. His right eye has resisted antibiotics and remains swollen and extremely painful. Bench coach Joe Pettini, third-base coach Jose Oquendo and pitching coach Dave Duncan will run the team in La Russa's absence.

The Cardinals currently are in first place .


ADD: People are in arms about St. Louis Cardinals first baseman Albert Pujols' hugging gesture
with Chicgao Cubs GM Jim Hendry at home plate prior to the Cards' Tuesday game with the Cubs at Wrigley Field during the Cards' three game series. The hug got sports experts and Cards fans wondering if the Cubs are where Pujols may play for next year because of Pujols not being granted a multimilltion dollar seven year contract extension in February before Spring Training started. Pujols is on record as saying that he and Hendry are just good friends and have known one another for 10 years and their are rules in the league that wont allow GMs to talk with players who are already on a team . Hmm, it does look suspicious but we will see come Septmeber. What do yawl think?

Speaking of the Cardinals, Stan Musial fans can pick up a new biography that has a shot at putting a new glow of the reputation of Musial, who is 90. The book, "Stan Musial: An American Life," has a big-name author — sports columnist George Vecsey of the powerful New York Times. Vecsey's book contains little in the way of news, although way toward the end, the author notes, almost in passing, "In his mid-eighties, Musial was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease." The author will sign his book today, Thursday at O.B. Clark's, 1921 South Brentwood Boulevard •at 7 pm..

ADD: Veteran singer/songwriter Neil Sedaka performs May 13 at Powell Symphony Hall.

(Martin courtesy of the St. Louis American . Fantasia and Charlie Wilson photos by LB Photography)

There was one-sided beef that was brewing for weeks stemming from concerts in St. Louis that took place last Friday. One was Martin Lawrence held at the Scott Trade Center promoted by Live Nation and the other was the St. Louis Music Fest with En Vogue, Eric Benet, Fantasia and headliner Charlie Wilson

promoted by Daryel Oliver. Controversy began when Oliver claimed Live Nation tried to sabotage the market by having the Lawrence concert on the same nite of his show that he claim he had set before Live Nation. Weeks later, Oliver went on a very public tirade with the STL media on his allegations even calling Live Nation devils and racists. Live Nation never responded to the claims. In the end, both concerts were near sell outs (over 5,000 attendees) and the only complaint from critics was the show began over an hour late and ended near 2 a.m. Saturday morning. This blogger attended the Lawrence show and he was on stage for about an hour and started his set with a 15 minute tribute to his accomplishments on stage, TV and film and began his jokes with "Don't you hate taking a piss with lint in the hole and do more cleaning up the piss than pissing? I need to check my underwear before I go on stage." After an hour, he discussed mainly on when relationships go bad in Lawrence famous physical comedy best.

We hope that Oliver's tirade didnt ruin his repuatation as a concert promoter with other venues because we get a feelin that this episode will linger with him for a loooooooooong while.

"American Idol" will be holding Season 11 auditions in St. Louis on June 28. The venue TBA. It will be the second time the talent competition will hold auditions in the city. The first was in 2004 at the Edward Jones Dome where that season's winner Carrie Underwood and STL natives 9th place finalist Nikko Smith and 12th place finalist Aloha auditioned.

Lil Wayne's I'm Still Music Tour is extending into the summer, with an Aug. 21 date lined up for Verizon Wireless Amphitheater.

He's touring with Rick Ross, Keri Hilson........................


Lloyd and Far East Movement.

The tour recently played Scottrade Center in March with Ross, Nicki Minaj and Travis Barker.

The venue has not yet announced the show.


Did the Gospel Comedy Tour with Steve Harvey and Kirk Franklin come to ST Louis May 7 at Chaifetz Arena? We didnt see any reports on it at all.

Two hip-hop acts are performing in the STL. Plies will perform June 2 at Imperial Palace and Young Joc will performi Friday at Posh for Loosecannon's Friday Night Fixx series, which is free to attend.


Electronic artist Pretty Lights performs at 8 p.m. July 14 at the Pageant.


St. Louis-area glee clubs will have the chance to compete for a performance slot at "Glee" star Matthew Morrison's June 19 concert at the Fox Theatre. Glee clubs must be between 3-30 members and video submissions must include a performance of Morrison's "Summer Rain."Entries can be submitted at and all submissions must be received by May 25th at 11:59PST.For more information and official rules visit The competition is in conjunction with the VH1 Save the Music Foundation.

The musical acts for this year's Celebrate St. Louis (formerly Live On The Levee) were announced last week.

Scheduled are:

Bell, Biv, DeVoe

Gavin Degraw

Keb Mo


Barenaked Ladies

Here's the lineup for Celebrate St. Louis Summer Concerts.

All the shows are free.

-- July 15, Bell Biv DeVoe

-- July 16, Gavin DeGraw

-- July 22, Keb' Mo

-- July 23, Barenaked Ladies

For Fair St. Louis, scheduled are

The Steve Miller Band

Maroon 5


Montgomery Gentry

Steve Miller Band on July 2, Maroon 5 on July 3 and Montgomery Gentry on July 4, all the concerts are under the Gateway Arch.This year, Fair St. Louis has been expanded from two days to three days.

Actor Greg Alan Williams, of "Baywatch" fame and who made a recent guest appearance on "The Game" will be in the award winning one man play, "The Life and Times of Deacon A.C. Wiley," that he has written, May 13-14 at Harris Stowe State University's Emerson Theater. For more info and tcikets call 314.269.6450.


St. Louis regular performer funk legend George Clinton and Parliament-Funkadelic will perform July 17 at the Ambassador

Sixteen honorees will be inducted in the ST. Louis Media Hall of Fame. Some fo them include writer Elaine Viets, radio broadcasters Jim Gates and Doug Eason, and television broadcatser John Auble and Sharon Stevens. The free ceremony will take place 5:30 p.m. June 8 at Gio's on Market Street.


And speaking of John Auble, the Emmy Award winning KTVI personlaity will be retiring after being diagnosed with cancer. He has been with KTVI for 23 years. Auble came to St Louis in 1967 and worked with the now defunct St. Louis Globe Democrat newspaper and KSDK-TV before being hired at KTVI.


A Tornado Relief Concert for those in St. Louis area will be May 18 at the Sheldon Concert Hall. Performing are John Higgins, Charlie Pfeffer, Vince Corkery and Bob Breidenback, the St. Louis Stompers, Carolbeth True with Sandy Weltman, Rick Haydon (PICTURED)with Kim Fuller, Pepperland, Reborn and Stephanie Trick. Hosted by KMOV Meteorologist Kent Ehrhardt, he concert benefits the American Red Cross' tornado relief efforts in St. Louis. Contact 314-534-1111 and at the venue for ticket info

Jungle Boogie kicks off May 27 at the St. Louis Zoo with Arvell.The series presents music Friday evenings through Sept. 2 (there's no concert June 17). The concerts take place on the outdoor stage in the Schnuck Family Plaza in the center of the zoo.

Here's the lineup:

-- May 27, Arvell

-- June 10, Ticket to the Beatles

-- June 17, no concert

-- June 24, Hudson & the Hoo Doo Cats

-- July 1, Denise Thimes (PICTURED ABOVE)

-- July 8, Push the Limit

-- July 15, Satin

-- July 22, Hillbilly Authority

-- July 29, Galaxy Red

-- Aug. 5, Charles Glenn

-- Aug. 12, Griffin & the Gargoyles

-- Aug. 19, Bottoms Up Blues Gang

-- Aug. 26, Super Jam

-- Sept. 2, Ralph Butler Band (PICTURED ABOVE)

Admission to the zoo and to

Jungle Boogie are free.

Get more information at


ADD: The 123rd annual Annie Malone Parade will be Sunday, March 15 in downtown St. Louis on Market Street between Jefferson and Broadway. It starts at 1 p.m. The May Day Blues Fest will take place soon after at 4 p.m. at Kiener Plaza.

Mizzou's radio broadcasts of football and men's basketball are switching to KTRS (550 AM) this fall, the school announced.The station will carry all football, men's basketball, "Tiger Talk" coaches' shows and "Tiger Update" daily reports as part of a multi-year agreement with the Tiger Network.

Mizzou Sports Properties, the locally based entity of collegiate multimedia rights leader Learfield Sports, manages all aspects of the broadcasts, as well as the Tiger Network. Previously, Mizzou's primary radio outlet in the St. Louis area had been KMOX (1120 AM). Mizzou fills a void on KTRS, which had the Cardinals for five years before losing them this season back to KMOX.


The new Stadium Sports Bar and Grill in Lumiere Hotel opened this week. The spot was once the spot of Sleek restaurant.

Rappers Rockwell Knuckles and Tef Poe went at it old school style on the mic last Saturday night at the Gramophone.The pair, part of St. Louis hip-hop collective the Force.The event was a release party for a limited-edition, double-sided vinyl single they gave away . Side A of the single is Knuckles' "Messages," from his 2010 release "Choose Your Own Adventure"; the flip side is Poe's "Champagne Dreams," from last year's "Money Never Sleeps." The rappers each have fresh full-length releases out, too. In the case of Poe, it's his "War Machine" album, released this year.Knuckles' latest collection of music is as strong as its unprintable title — "You're (expletive) Out, I'm (expletive) In."

Speaking of Tef Poe and Rockwell Knuckeles they will be comepting in the same cateogory in the upcoming annual RFT Music Showcase that will take place June 4 at various locations in downtown St. Louis. Poe and Knuckles is competing in the Hip Hop/Rap Artist Solo cateogory along with Black Spade, Vandalyzm, and Nato Caliph. Lamar Harris was the big nominee with two awards: Soul/R&B Solo and Best DJ under his moniker Nune. Singer Javier Mendoza is nominated for Best Solo Artist Male and Denise Thimes is nominated for Best Jazz Artist. To vote for your choices and more info on the locations of the event go to

St. Louis native author Claire Applewhite just released her new mystery "St. Louis Hustle.”:. She'll talk May 14 about her book at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Ladue Crossing

SYGU is holding its 4th annual TEESE event May 29 at the Old Rock House.


Envy owner Jon Burns celebrates One Year Anniversary of his venue with a special Beautiful Fridays this Friday.


Former Miss USA Missouri Lesley Hunter participated recently filming an MTV pilot The Dawn of the Drinks where she along with the DAM Promotion Models were waitresses in the taping that took place at Show me's on Lemay ferry road. The show travels to various bars in the country finding top drinks. The pilot was produced by former UMSL graduate/actor.director Dario Musumeci. Hunter is also the host of a new hour long radio talk show “Lesley On The Town”that is podcast on every Thursday at 8 p.m. CST.

T Billy Buffett is now the Signature Room located at Overland Plaza.


Poet/playwright Ervin Williams is seeking actors for his play, "Zella." The auditions will take place May 20 at 6 p.m. at Harris Stowe University. For more info contact 314.750.7224

RIP BITZ. St. Louis American Circulatation Mangaer Paul Reiter was shot and killed in the backyard of his home May 9. He was 58.

STL-TAURUSian BDAZes--Olympic Gold medalist Dawn Harper(PICTURED), rapper Young Ro, jazz artist Readus Miller, model Jarrece Patrick, drummer/event promoter David A.N. Jackson, poet Chill Da Palya, actress Alicia Terise, poet/event host Carl Sevvy Sev Gray, event associate Glynnis Armstrong, event promoter Otto Nichols, and socialites David Allen, and Shaikenya Williams

BLIND DISHZ. Which national recording artist is banned for life at Lifetime Fitness in Chesterfield, Mo for over flirtatious behavior when they came to St. Louis for a concert two years ago?

HINT 1. The artist is a male

HINT 2.The artist is born in the Midwest

HINT 3. The artist currently has an album out.

HINT 4. The artist will be performing this summer in St. Louis

PRO-MO-CIAL-I-CIOUS. Which movers and shakers are gettin it in this week? Promoter/event host Mocha Latte and G'Bassa D'Acosta of Sexy N the STL TV (TIE) and promoter Phil Assets of Liquid Assets and the Men of Hella Fly Promnotions (King Kerry and Dano Johnson) (TIE)

Mocha Latte (FAR LEFT). This vibrant sista of Monopoly promotions is back in this section after a brief hiatus. She started off the week hosting the All Female Comedy Jam at the Loft on Mothers Day, then on Friday, she is hosting her monthly poetry showcase Got Lyrics at Exo and Saturday, she is hosting the last Saturday Night Live at the Label that is closing ion Sunday.

Gbassa D'Acosta. This lovely model/promoter/tv show producer returns another week in this section. She is oncover of the current monthly e-mag Elitism and is a judge at the new weekly music showcase Winning Wedensdays presented on by Rockhouse Ent and Starstruckk at Europe Nightclub where her TV production Sexy N the STL, that airs Wedensdays and Thursdatys on Charter and U Verse. She is also co-promoting Reggae Thursday at Forever Yours and Grill with B Free Paparazzi (SEe EVENTZ BELOW).

King Kerry and Dano Johnson (RIGHT). Coming off of Kerry going to Las Vegas for the Sugar Shane and Manny Pacquio fight, this dapper duo retuns to the Broadway with $5 Fridays and hosts along with Rockhouse Ent. the final Sexy as You Wanna Be Sundays at The Label that is closing on Sunday/early Monday.

Phil Assets. (FAR RIGHT)This handsome brotha is in common territory in this section as head of Liquid Assets. This Thursday, is a special Redd Hott Thursdays with a performance by rapper Youngh Chris and a b-day party for model Jareese Patrick at Club Amnesia.(SEE EVENTZ BELOW) Also at the venue are the group's events Fierce Fridays and Successful Saturdays.

WORDZ TO THE WHYZ??????????????????

Why wasnt Trey Songz' paying attention when he accidnetally tweeted his hotel number to a female he was hittin at St. Lucia? hotel number get leaked? Why is Jermaine Dupri pretending to be broke so he doesnt have to pay child support? Why is Lady Gaga's song, " Judas" flopping on the charts? Why is Meat Loaf crying on "Celebrity Apprentice?" And why can't we not get enuff of "Celebrity Apprentice" but hate The Donald for his comments on Obama? Why did American Idol judge Randy Jackson call The Voice gimmicky? Why was Stacy Dash cussing out teh cast and crew of her gig on "Single Ladies?" Why is Vanessa Williams' role on Desperate Housewives been a disappoinment? Why did Marlon Wayans pull his pants down showing his arse at a recent concert show in Jersey? Why did they have Latoya Jackson walk out of the Trump Tower to her limo under a Billie Jean beat and her walking on top of lit concrete like teh video when she got fired from "Celebrity Apprentice?" Why did Music fest at start so late and ended near 2 am at Chaifetz Arena last Friday?’ Why did the Martin Lawrence concert at Scott Trade felt like walking in a time warp?And why did Lakers center Andrew Bynum foul hard Dallas guard J J Barea during the final minutes of the game that decided the Lakers not being in the finals?


Rapper Young Chris will have a CD signing and performance at Red HottThursday. Also JARRECE "I GOT THEM SPENDING RACKS" B DAY will take place at Club Amnesia. The event is presented by Liquid Assets

BFree Paparazzi and Sexy N the STL present a Dance Hall Sip this Thursday at 9 p.m. at Forever Yours, 4227 Race Course Ave, FREE.


Tanked Party Late night Lingerie CONTEST@Harrys Downtown w/Ola Hawatmeh

Thursday at 9:00pm at Harry's Restaurant & Bar, 2144 Market Street

Come celebrate SPRING with a late night lingerie contest @ Harry's.

Ladies click here to register for the contest:


STRESS FREE FRIDAYS will be at The Signature Room (formerly T-Billy Buffet's)

at 5pm to May 14,

Yo Gotti will have his bday party atThe Imperial Palace May 13 (after party at Club Rolex in East Boogie)


Kansas City Live!

1330 Grand Blvd Kansas City, MO

Join us for the 2nd Annual Rock the Block Fashion Show on Fri. May 13th! See all of the hot summer styles coming to the boutiques in the Power & Light District as a variety of local models take to the runway on the KC Live Stage. Patrick Lentz will perform throughout the fashion show, followed by The Zeros after the program.

Participating Boutiques include Garment District Boutique, Envolve, Nikki Grant Boutique, Lovebird, Zafar, Reign Shop, Two Chic BLVD, Imagery, Gennaio Boutique, Label Clothing, and Denim Couture! The models will be walking to awesome sets by Patrick Lentz. The Zeros will be rocking the KC Live Block directly after the show.General Admission is free.Go to


Show-Me Burlesque Festival @ The Sheldon
Friday the 13th, Show-Me will present its most extravagant and elegant show at the historic, gorgeous and spacious Sheldon Concert Hall. Featuring a live band, gorgeous show girls and boys and classic glamour, this show will truly be a testament to the hey day of St. Louis burlesque. 7:30 cocktail reception; 9:00 show.

Brian Regan at The Pageant for two shows May 14


Pop jazz group Tower of Power will perform May 14 at Lumiere Theater in Lumeire Place.


ADD: JN Global is mounting one of its major events entitled GO! This event will feature fresh looks from St Louis’ hottest designers. All proceeds will benefit St Louis area charities.

The event will be held at 2720 Cherokee on
Saturday, May 14, 2011.

GO promises to be truly spectacular. Some of the
Midwest’s most recognizable designers will debut their 2011 collections. St Louis’ top models will stride to a totally acoustic show (ALL DRUMS). SJN Global has teamed up with national recording artist and local music legends to provide live music before and after the show. GO promises to be the most high energy and entertaining fashion event of the spring season.

$25.00 VIP (Limited Availability, h'orderves and cocktails served)
$5.00 General Admission (Suggested Donation)

6pm - VIP
7pm - Doors Open (live music)
8pm - Fashion Event Begins

Tickets available here:

A LISt NIGHTS , Sunday, May 15 · 5:00pm - 8:00pm



Friends of the Sheldon are presenting Steve Tyrell May 15 at the Sheldon Concert Hall.


Rapper Raekwon will perform at The Firebird May 16



Mocha will host her last Saturday Night Live event at The Label

Mocha hosts her monthly poetry showcase Got Lyrics May 13 at Exo

Jobs!! Positions available with the National Children’s Study in St. Louis. One is a part time Community Liaison. The other is a full time nurse/phlebotomist. Perhaps you or someone you know would be interested. Please share the link below.



Mocha's column COFFEE TALK can be seen in the weekly The Evening Whirl newspaper published on Mondays.For more info on these items, contact Miss Latte at



Aireez is now represented by Jackie Phillips' Where U Want 2 Be Entertainment..


Rhythm & Words Wednesdays 2nd & 4th Wed every month Meshon's Bar & Grill 410 N Tucker Blvd


ThundaGrownd Thursday Variety Showcase Final Thu. of every month8:30pm

at Big Moe's


WORD THERAPY AT CLUB PARADISE Open Mic Final Friday of the month $5 cover first 10 on the sign-up list free 812 Martin Luther King on the East Side

New CD "ThundaGrowndPresentsA.D. Fire & Adrenaline"

Aireez DaRychuss music available online now

MORE INFO on AireezDarychuss



Black Pearl Sings!

By Frank Higgins

THRU May 15

Directed by Andrea Frye Jailed in a Texas prison, Alberta “Pearl” Johnson has little hope for release and even less for reconnecting with her missing daughter. That is until Susannah Mullally, a song collector on a mission to record pieces of African-American culture, overhearsPearl singing while on a visit to the prison. Through her music, Pearlhas the unexpected opportunity to earn her freedom and search for her daughter. This work harnesses race relations and the rich oral history of the African-American community to build a tale that is funny, touching, and compelling.

For tickets go to


The Montford Point Marine
By Samm-Art Williams




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