Folk sitting along the window and lit blue drapes.

Early on, the 1s and 2s were provided by DJ Reminise

There were many styles going on that nite as people stood to get a ticket or see if they were on the guest list.

Some of the attendees which included MLH Designs/B Free's Miata Lewis Harris third from left) and DJ Charlie Chan (who also spun on the turntables that nite)
Mr. Brandon and his lady.

The Night Society Crew: Maurice Bishop, Miss Kennya and Mike Barber

The crowd .

Exo co-owner 1st Fridays co-creator Harry Michel, Majic 104.9 personality Selena J and the guest of the evening, Raheem DeVaughn chillin upstairs in VIP.

DeVaugn gets interviewed by STL-TV.

A close up on the gab.

A high angle shot of the first floor.

A shot of the top and bottom.

Designer Chris Dunlap and socialite Lagina.

DeVaughn in his DMC specs greeting the crowd as DJ Reminise cues up his tracks.

DeVaughn started of fhsi mini set with his latest song, "I Don't Care" off his newest CD, "The Love & War MasterPeace

The crowd gettin into it.

DeVaughn gettin his swagger and style goin as he performed songs off his sophomore CD, "Love Behind the Melody " including his first hit, "Woman."

The ladies had their digi-snaps goin all up in his grill.

Comedians Jovan Bibbs and Willie Lynch Jr were in the house.
DeVaughn had to take off hid suit coat to get into the midst of his set.
NOTE: This was a cool event. Raheem DeVuaghn was very personable with the VIP crowd (he had a big tall bodyguard with him who we think also dubbed as his PR guy) and when he got on stage he was the mos def the showman. The ladies really enjoyed his set and spent the most part taking his pic and reciting all the words to the songs he sang.
Also in the house were: actor/producer Craig Thomas, comic Jessie Taylor, SYGU's Rhashad Whittier, graphic designer Marcus Brainstorm, and socialites Lester Robinson and Renaud Chavoz Lucas (or should we say "Deacon" Lucas. LOL),
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