Photographer Suzy Gorman takes a pic of some VIPs including Wash U assistant professor Jeigh Singleton (fourth from left) and St. Louis Post Fashion Editor Debra Bass (sixth from the left) 
A patron holding a flier and a program from the event.

Alive Magazine Fashion Editor Jill Manoff (in gray dress) shares a laugh with two other VIPers.

As you see, people were everywhere, even upstairs . On stage was Liz Claibourne Inc.'s manager of special events, Leah Salak who co-hosted the show.

The other co-host was Project Runway co-host, Tim Gunn.

Gunn went into instructor mode with the clothing worn by the models.

Gunn said that belts can be used for a slimming effect."

On horizontal lines, Gunn said, " Its about the size of the line. If your'e petite and the scale of print remains the same then it's OK."

During the show there were many looks of the same look with accessories to change it up.

This volunteer helped on showing how an ordinary outfit can be turned into a fashionable outfit with just one accessory. Here, they showed how a coat can change up a look.

From blah to ahhh!

Gunn helping on the coat's belt.


Oh and she had to give the coat back, too. LOL

More looks of the same look with boyfriends shorts. Gunn's comment was, "Not everybody can wear them."

Model Pamela wore a romper that Gunn wasn't too fascinated with. He asked the model where she would wear it and she replied, "I would wear it to school."

On this look, the co-hosts said that this look can be worn on Casual Fridays at work.

Lots of beaded detail.

Gunn giving another tip about the look saying "if you have a lot of top, its gonna be different to wear."

There were many looks top of looks in the show including this one.

First, they had the model take off the coat to show the dress.

........as well as the hat. Gunn showed the crowd the inside of the coat.

...creating a new look.



Here is another look on top of a look.

First, the top.

...then off with the shades and a given a small clutch purse and its an evening look.

Here is another look on top of another look.

First, the jacket.

Then on with a belt. Gunn said to be careful with belts and make sure the belt does not bunch up on a dress then replied, "I praise belts."


And another look on top of another look.

Off with coat and on with a headband.

...and a clutch and its off to the party!


The finale walk of all the models.

Next up was a Q and A with the crowd.

This audience member asked if it was ok to wear a t-shirt with a jacket. Gunn said, "Both are ok. Its about taste, I'm from a fashion perspective and I dont find anything wrong with it. Just stay away from midrifts."

This audience member asked about her options involving her size. Gunn said, "Mqke sure you get items that flatter your proportions and are comfortable, age, weather and lifestyle appropriate." Her daughter asked which designers did he love on "Project Runway."

Gunn repsonded to the question by saying, " I love the designers, The closer we becqme, the more we bonded. There's so many. But I will tell you some of the ones I wanted to send off in a life raft. Season One was Wensdy Peppers, Season Two was Zulema Griffin, Season Three was Vincent Libretti, Season Four was Victorya Hong and this past season, Season Seven, well I can say it now that the season is over, uh Emillio (Sosa). The editors were very kind ."

Someone asked him who does he like as a designer and he said, "John Bartlett. He goes to his store in West Village in Manhattan for his suits and he takes care of me. He helps me as a classist to be very modern."

This lady said that she loved Gunn and was a fan of his for well over 20 years and aksed who inspired him to get into fashion. he replied, "Fashion actually found me. As Dean at Parsons, I started off as faculty then an administrator and my job was to help their fashion program and the philosophies they had because they hated each other, so in a way I hated myself. So I was Mr Fix it. I had a year to create a curriculum but in first three months the program was hemorraging...the program is now doing well."
Other questiions asked was, "Is it ok to wear dresses with stockings and you got pale legs?" He replied, "My only trouble is when anyone wears stockings and they try to blend the stockings with their legs and pretending they are not wearing stockings. Maybe you can make a fashion statement and wear stockings with a pattern on them or something like that."

After the Q and A, the area was re-set for the meet and greet, that consisted of free champagne and dessert appetizers, and picture taking with Gunn. And as you see the line was quite long.

Gunn greets a fan who was blind.

Here's two young ladies who asked Gunn a question earlier who wanted to take a pic with the fashion personality.

Gunn with two of his young fans.
NOTE: Overall the event was good. To actually see the different looks morph into new looks was interseting and to hear Tim Gunn's punchy comments about them was worth the standing on the side of the walls (We didnt get VIP seating, but the standing room only near VIP was just as good).
Gunn's scoop on Season Seven runner up Etillio Sosa and his co-host Heidi Klum were priceless.

A patron holding a flier and a program from the event.

Alive Magazine Fashion Editor Jill Manoff (in gray dress) shares a laugh with two other VIPers.

As you see, people were everywhere, even upstairs . On stage was Liz Claibourne Inc.'s manager of special events, Leah Salak who co-hosted the show.

The other co-host was Project Runway co-host, Tim Gunn.
The fashions were provided by Kate Spade NY, Lucky Brand Jeans and Juicy Couture.

Gunn went into instructor mode with the clothing worn by the models.

Gunn said that belts can be used for a slimming effect."

On horizontal lines, Gunn said, " Its about the size of the line. If your'e petite and the scale of print remains the same then it's OK."

During the show there were many looks of the same look with accessories to change it up.

This volunteer helped on showing how an ordinary outfit can be turned into a fashionable outfit with just one accessory. Here, they showed how a coat can change up a look.

From blah to ahhh!

Gunn helping on the coat's belt.


Oh and she had to give the coat back, too. LOL

More looks of the same look with boyfriends shorts. Gunn's comment was, "Not everybody can wear them."

Model Pamela wore a romper that Gunn wasn't too fascinated with. He asked the model where she would wear it and she replied, "I would wear it to school."

On this look, the co-hosts said that this look can be worn on Casual Fridays at work.

Lots of beaded detail.

Gunn giving another tip about the look saying "if you have a lot of top, its gonna be different to wear."

There were many looks top of looks in the show including this one.

First, they had the model take off the coat to show the dress.

........as well as the hat. Gunn showed the crowd the inside of the coat.

...creating a new look.



Here is another look on top of a look.

First, the top.

...then off with the shades and a given a small clutch purse and its an evening look.

Here is another look on top of another look.

First, the jacket.

Then on with a belt. Gunn said to be careful with belts and make sure the belt does not bunch up on a dress then replied, "I praise belts."


And another look on top of another look.

Off with coat and on with a headband.

...and a clutch and its off to the party!


The finale walk of all the models.

Next up was a Q and A with the crowd.

This audience member asked if it was ok to wear a t-shirt with a jacket. Gunn said, "Both are ok. Its about taste, I'm from a fashion perspective and I dont find anything wrong with it. Just stay away from midrifts."

This audience member asked about her options involving her size. Gunn said, "Mqke sure you get items that flatter your proportions and are comfortable, age, weather and lifestyle appropriate." Her daughter asked which designers did he love on "Project Runway."

Gunn repsonded to the question by saying, " I love the designers, The closer we becqme, the more we bonded. There's so many. But I will tell you some of the ones I wanted to send off in a life raft. Season One was Wensdy Peppers, Season Two was Zulema Griffin, Season Three was Vincent Libretti, Season Four was Victorya Hong and this past season, Season Seven, well I can say it now that the season is over, uh Emillio (Sosa). The editors were very kind ."

Someone asked him who does he like as a designer and he said, "John Bartlett. He goes to his store in West Village in Manhattan for his suits and he takes care of me. He helps me as a classist to be very modern."

This lady said that she loved Gunn and was a fan of his for well over 20 years and aksed who inspired him to get into fashion. he replied, "Fashion actually found me. As Dean at Parsons, I started off as faculty then an administrator and my job was to help their fashion program and the philosophies they had because they hated each other, so in a way I hated myself. So I was Mr Fix it. I had a year to create a curriculum but in first three months the program was hemorraging...the program is now doing well."
Other questiions asked was, "Is it ok to wear dresses with stockings and you got pale legs?" He replied, "My only trouble is when anyone wears stockings and they try to blend the stockings with their legs and pretending they are not wearing stockings. Maybe you can make a fashion statement and wear stockings with a pattern on them or something like that."
Co-host Salakm, who was wearing stockings, did a "hide my legs" gesture during this. LOL
Gunn also gave the crowd some big scoop by saying that his co-host on "Project Runway, " model Heidi Klum wears makeup on her legs.
Gunn also gave the crowd some big scoop by saying that his co-host on "Project Runway, " model Heidi Klum wears makeup on her legs.
His advice on fashion and he replied, " Before it was fashion, it was clothing. clothing we need,. Fashion we dont."
On next season of "Project Runway" Gunn sad, " We are auditioning in Chicago and New York and the question that we asked designers was 'Who are you as a designer?' and most of them answer,'I'm whomever what the customer wants me to be.' Bad Answer....The challenge next season is how, now that we have a new presidenet at Lifetime, who's bring fantastic ideas, is how constrained will be with my voice among 30 others who have a say in what the designers will do on the show. It's still latitude for creative differences. We couldnt just do a show without our sponsors say. We try to take challenges they want to mitigate to our sponsors. In season one, it was a whole new paradigm and people experiencing it and wondering what was the show about, Now going into Season 8, people are copying the concept. "
On next season of "Project Runway" Gunn sad, " We are auditioning in Chicago and New York and the question that we asked designers was 'Who are you as a designer?' and most of them answer,'I'm whomever what the customer wants me to be.' Bad Answer....The challenge next season is how, now that we have a new presidenet at Lifetime, who's bring fantastic ideas, is how constrained will be with my voice among 30 others who have a say in what the designers will do on the show. It's still latitude for creative differences. We couldnt just do a show without our sponsors say. We try to take challenges they want to mitigate to our sponsors. In season one, it was a whole new paradigm and people experiencing it and wondering what was the show about, Now going into Season 8, people are copying the concept. "

After the Q and A, the area was re-set for the meet and greet, that consisted of free champagne and dessert appetizers, and picture taking with Gunn. And as you see the line was quite long.

Gunn greets a fan who was blind.

Here's two young ladies who asked Gunn a question earlier who wanted to take a pic with the fashion personality.

Gunn with two of his young fans.
NOTE: Overall the event was good. To actually see the different looks morph into new looks was interseting and to hear Tim Gunn's punchy comments about them was worth the standing on the side of the walls (We didnt get VIP seating, but the standing room only near VIP was just as good).
Gunn's scoop on Season Seven runner up Etillio Sosa and his co-host Heidi Klum were priceless.
And not one time, did he say his catchphrase, "Just Make it Work." LOL
FYI. Gunn is CEO of Liz Claibourne, Inc.
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